I was uploading lots (and I mean lots) of photos of LB Times staff in my Multiply. All I could think of suddenly is all sunny and happy. Sir Harold might be right, after all. That after those months of toil and hard work, of swelling up of pimples and eyebags, of failing grades and excessive absences in all other subjects, we could only benefit and gain something greater from it. We certainly reaped what we sowed. Yes indeed, I hated and cursed a lot, but I loved and cherished more. The rage I kept and held on to everyday would not beat the true friends I made. That’s the best part of it all, actually. Of course I was able to practise what my instructors and professors preached all those years and learn more than I thought I could, but that’s just the best part of it all.
Now, we’ve churned out something that I know we are all proud of. Many thanks to our advisers who always believed that we could do better.
As much as I wanted to talk about all of the many experiences I had with LB Times, and the many people I built a connection with, I would like to stick to my real purpose of writing this entry (which obviously is not those mentioned above).
Above all, I am proud of my sweetie, for such a job well-done; and I am proud of myself too, because I know, somehow, I helped him. I have always believed in him and encouraged him.
Funny, how my friends (and other people, though not to me) used to say that I should not be with someone smarter than I am; and knowing the jealous person that I was, I thought so too. But then, that exactly was what happened. I fell with someone who undeniably has the smarts.
Contrary to what people think, his being clever has only made our relationship more exciting. I learn so many things from him – things I had never even given thought about. He shares so much with me that I know have made me a much more grown person. He always keeps me amazed and interested. So whoever says that intellectual men are boring, well, not for me.
Never in our relationship did we allow competition to come between. When people say how good he is at something that I try to do also, I feel proud rather than envious. I never felt jealousy and insecurity, not a tinge. He, too, never ever made me feel so little. I never felt so stupid with him. He makes me see my abilities and makes me see that there are also things that I could do better than he could (like shopping and dressing up, kidding, haha).