Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Rainbow After the Rain. (now that's squashy, haha)

I hate Tuesdays. I’m always worn out on Tuesdays. And yesterday was no difference. It was the worst maybe, next to that of last week.

I just had one of those exams that guarantee back-neck-head-butt ache --- an all essay exam worth a hundred points, which lasted for 2 ½ hours. That long, yet I still didn’t have the time to grammar/content-check it. It was an open-notes exam, but the stuffs I had with me gone all useless. I know I did poorly but that little patience that sprung out helped a lot. I hate it when I spend too much time answering exams so I am always one of those who hand the papers first to the teachers and find the way out. But yesterday, I tried hard not to ignore the bonus questions which would cost another 20-minute stay in the room.

I left the room frustrated.

But he was there, waiting for me patiently. In just a second, he sponged the pest away. In just a second.=)

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