Friday, August 24, 2007

Pinky Has Been Tagged

share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you.

Then at the end you tag 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going.
– Each blogger must post these rules first.
– Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
– Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog
about their eight things and post these rules.
– At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged
and list their names.
– Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

  1. I honestly think LIZARDS are the ugliest creature. I hate cockroaches too, but not as much as I hate lizards. I can’t put myself to sleep when I see one in my ceiling. I always think it’s gonna fall and will be glued to my skin and can never be detached anymore.

I stayed in a convent-like when I was a freshman. We had a communal bathroom there and I used to take a bath for not more than 15 minutes. The culprit: at least 3 lizards watching me naked. Eew.

  1. I feel extra beautiful when I wear my pretty, little undies. I don’t know why. It’s not like I reveal them or whatever. Well I guess it gives justice to what we say being beautiful is in the inside. Lol. And so, I wear them during the day and save my biggie, lola panties at night.

  1. I never had any contact with my so-called first boyfriend. He wasn’t even able to come as close as 2 ft. We never held hands or anything.

  1. I have a thing for nose (as in ilong). I think people with pretty noses are beautiful. Weird.

  1. I used to text Magic 89.9 when I was first year high school (?) using all cellphone numbers in the house pretending to be different texters. Just to request one song over and over again – Cultured Pearls’ Not This Time. Now I remember, I miss the song.

  1. Since I study in UP, I don’t experience wearing the same old uniform everyday. I’m not quite sure if it’s a good thing, but then, I try to take advantage of it.

Within one semester, I don’t wear the same top more than twice. But if it’s a favorite, then try thrice.

  1. When I was younger (really younger), I used to pick those small hair in one part of my head. They were irritating. And so, I ended up being hairless on that part. I wore headband all the time to cover it.

  1. I am a grammar freak. I’m so not OC, but when it comes to grammar, I am. I wonder where those barok people were during all those years their teachers discussed S-V agreement and sentence structures. So you people cannot actually use the excuse that you are not Communication students.

And I quote my Eng2 teacher, “How can you communicate what you know about engineering or sciences if you cannot even construct a simple sentence?” So those who degrade Communication students, boo-hoo you. (I’m not generalizing though. Not all Com students can do it the right way. And not all not Com students can’t.)

And please, Shift+F7 doesn’t work all the time. Make sure it’s not gonna jump out of the context. PS. I am not perfect, I know. At least I don’t patronize Akon for singing that “nobody wanna see us together, but it don’t matter …” hit.

I tag: Madel, Sam, Lar, Erika, Aimee, Cole, Patty, Karel

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