Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Love, Young Love

Upon catching up with what’s up and what’s hot on the big screen, I realized that my taste in movies have changed through time. I used to go for the teeny-flicks that are light to digest. However, lately, I’ve been so tied up with those that are for grown-ups and about grown-ups. I would, most of the time, catch myself picking a story about a marriage than about a new, young love on a stockpile of pirated dvds along the streets.

It’s maybe because I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the future, to my future. I like to think how it would be like to be married.

Growing up, I’ve seen my parents’ marriage as normal. I don’t remember waking up in the middle of the night to witness them yelling and screaming at each other. I don’t even remember my dad not coming home at night except on business trips. Sure, they have had misunderstandings but that’s pretty much it. I didn’t see them undergoing through a major mess.

Watching these movies about married people though (like Jane Austen’s Book Club, Feast of Love), I realized that marriage is not at all easy. Seeing my parents’ marriage as a success shouldn’t make me complacent that I would have a successful one too. It may be concealed to us, but they have had as well invested a great deal to stay together for 34 years now.

But then, as someone who likes to think fast forward time, I think I know exactly how to keep a marriage, and how to keep it burning. Feeling the same fervor to one person for years is no easy thing. It is not effortless too; you have to learn the trick. You have to preserve and keep doing the things that have always made you so hooked on each other. Yet, you should also learn and try new things together. Always renew a love that would make you feel young again, and you’ll realize you cannot get enough of each other.

I met him 1 year and 8 months ago. Since then, we see each other on a daily basis but the feeling just grows more and more intense day by day. The love always feels so new and young, and I know, for the following years, we will remain inseparable.


Liana said...

glad you're updating again.. hehe

i can relate about your parents' marriage.. my mom and dad are like that, too. what really scares me is knowing that what we knew as 'normal' is no longer normal this days...

so in this case, i dont want to be like everyone else... meaning, kailngan mag-effort magpacute khit 50 or 60 yeas old na tau! to keep the love burning, db???


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