Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hate Notes

Dear Brain

Why did you betray your poor owner?

What was happening to you when I needed you the most? I want to hate you now. You gave in to the distractions and I caught you in slumber a few times. I was trying my hardest to shake you off, but oh man, I could not ooze anything out from you. I had high hope that you would help me ace that exam. But after you failed to function, the chance of being exempted from the fearsome STAT1 Finals is no longer in my hands.

It is always the case so. The last days before being liberated from papers, exams, and gobs of whatever kind of requirement one could think of, you get so fevered about the thought of white sand beach and fruit shakes. You start to rebel by allowing sloth to set in. You tend to forget about doing what should be done, and think about missed tv series instead.

But then, it is never late to make it up to your owner, you know. I will take that finals on Thursday and please be patient enough to absorb whatever silly things I try to drop in. And be quick to release them when I need them already. So you see, if you think they are inane, let me just put them in for a short time, and by the time I need them, secrete them and never allow them to flow inside you again.

So please, cooperate ok? Don't go nuts. In a few days, you will be drowned in books you've been dying to read, and you will catch up with movies you've missed, or you can just snooze all you want. Just promise to do you work. Deal?

Your Owner
Dear Poor, Crazy, Lazy Owner

Honestly, you are not just fugly and fat. You are also crazy and lazy. It is quite not fair that I am the one blamed here. Oh, I take that back, it is totally unfair. You were doing nothing, just bumming around. Then you stuffed me up on the last minutes. Holy cow! You attempted to fill me up with your three long sheets of formulas, and expected me to memorize them in an hour. What were you thinking, crazy?! You know that my left side is a little bigger than the other. You should have not trusted me that much, dear.

Have you thought of how unbelievably abused and misused I am? And how you sometimes use me for the wrong reasons? Think about it! Yes, I sometimes shift to other thoughts – more fun and amusing. But I understand that school cannot be insignificant. And I still try my best. Even if most of the time, you do not.

So learn how to use me properly. And I will be faithful to you.

I will not malfunction on Thursday. Only if you guarantee to take me out to see the sunshine after everything is done. Deal?

Your Brain

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