So, this is my shoulda-woulda-coulda entry for this semester. Yes, this is already a semestral theme that’s why I’m not shocked anymore. It’s just that, this time, it comes off too early. I used to do this thing after every semester. However, this time, it appears to me that I don’t have to wait a couple of weeks to tell.
Remember that all-essay exam I took that lasted for more than two hours? I aced it. I got a 1.0. I should be cheery, right? Well, I was, for a few minutes. Then, it hit me. It solidly slapped my face.
Rubbing off the stupid exam I had in Visual Design & Techniques, I just figured out that I topped all the other exams this sem. There was a hint of self-satisfaction, but then, after again of a few more minutes, it made a surprise rotation. I felt the other way around, I was displeased. I am still displeased.
Some people would think that I was all those times jokingly saying that I didn’t study as much as necessary. They would tell me to stop hoodwinking, which I am in every respect not guilty of.
Just so they would know, I think that leading an exam I didn’t well prepare for at all is not something to be proud of.
Upon cleaning up my muddled table, I browsed a Seventeen magazine that was seemingly screaming to get noticed. I came across an article featuring Mikaela Fudolig, the 16 year-old valedictorian from UP. I was too distracted to even have a moment to park myself and read her entire story. However, my eyes were glued to a pull-quote I should have long understood. It says, she says rather, “I think I did well in school because my parents focused on my study habits rather than my grades”.
Again, it slapped my face, this time, real harder.
I never mastered the art of studying. I never adopted study habits that I would be really stanch of. I violate every rule in the list of effective ways to study. I am a bad student.
I can not be a bad student if I choose to. I don’t know what’s lacking - time-management, self-control, motivation – yes to all, maybe; but, topping the list, I lack self confidence (now, I see the connection to the previous entry). An unexpected seamless exam followed by another should have made me believe in myself more. I should have stopped charging it to the lucky pen, or to the lucky date. An unbelievable title of a CS for a sem followed by another should not just be enjoyed, but maintained (too bad for me, no title to enjoy anymore).
As always, I would say again, this sem, I could have, I should have, I would have done better. I just know it. Next sem, I want to stop the drama. I have to push myself hard, harder.
I need to purge skepticism out of my system.